Nov 27, 2011

Level of management

Management can be classified into different levels. Such classification to organization based on the size, measure and activities. Generally, the levels of  management can be classificd in to three types.
a)    Top level management.
b)    Middle level management.
c)    Lower level management.

Top level management
                          Top level management is the highest level of the managerial pesitions in the organization, It consists BOD ,MD, GM, ED etc .Such level is respondibke to formulate overall plans, policies, starategies etc of the organization. The plans, pliicy etc formulation by a top-level management are forwarded to middle level management for nessary implementation.
            Major function of top level management are:
1)    To determine goals and objective of the organization
2)    To formulation plans, policies and strategies of various resources or inputs
3)    To prepaid overall organizational structure
4)    To collect or arrange proper collection and utilization of various resources or inputs
5)    To provide nessary direction, leadership and exercicing effective control meranism in the organization
6)    To represent the organization in outside world
Middle level management
Middle level management libks top level amagement and low level amgement. It palys communicative roale in the consists departmentatal heads, divisional manager, functional manager, etc of the organization. The middle level mengement recives plans policies etc from top level, interpret the same according to the requirement of department, prepare departmental palns and policies etc
            Major function of middle level management are followings:-
I)             To interpret the plans and policies prepaid by top level management
II)            To select appo[rite staffs in the department.
III)           To develop and frend the enployees of the department.
IV)          To give or assign duties and responsibility to the departmental to the department staffs
V)           To instruct supervisory staff
VI)          To motivate control and supervise the activites of supervisers and departmental employees
VII)         To collected report and information from lower level management and forwed such reports to the top level management
VIII)       To re-commend top level for better plans and policies and implementation of such plans.

Lower level management
      Lower level magement which is also known as operating level or supervisory level or fist line management is the real implementar or execute in the business organization. They execute the plans and policies recived from top/middle level management for the accomplishment of targets or goals. The aday to day operation of business activities are conducted by the lower level lewvel of managerment. Managerial positions like supervisors, foreman, officers, etc are the lower level managers.
Major functions of lower level management are .
1)    Issue of orders and instructions to the workers and sub-ordinates & control them properly
2)    To make daily or weekly plans to execute desired tasks.
3)    To arrange tools & equipments required for smooth operation
4)    To communicate unsolved problems to the middle top level management
5)    To maintain disciplinary & controlling environment among the workers.
6)    To build up moral & ethics in the workers & sub-ordinates
7)    To maintain good industrial relationship & providing necessary feed back to the middle top level management.

Top level management è conceptual or decision
Middle level management è receiving or communicating skill. (Human relationship skill)
Lowel management è operating or technical skill.2

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