Nov 27, 2011

Matrix Structure of Organization

Matrix organization that is widely used in projects and also known as project organization is another types of organizational structure in this structure an employees can get authority from two sides or from two seniors at the same time that employees should be Responsible towards both the authoritarians.
In matrix organizations, the total responsibilities of the project is taken by the project manager a work team or project employees are devoted to execute the project activities. In the same line authorities of the parent organizations also transferred line authorities in the projects. Hence dual (double) transfer of authorities and responsibilities exists in the projects or matrix organization. Matrix organization in figure
I)             Better co-ordination and control
II)            Maximum uses of human and other resources
III)           Participative manager
IV)          Sufficient time for top level management
V)           Inter displinery organization
In this structure different types of exports or specialist are engaged in a single project therefore multidisplinery or inter displinery activities can be conducted in a better way.
VI)          Development of teamwork
I)             Violation of principle of unity of command
II)            Create conflicts
III)           Time consuming
IV)          Shifting responsibilities to  another manager
V)           Abuse (misuse) of authority
VI)          Diversion of the main objectives

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