Nov 27, 2011

The Organizing process

Organizing consists different stops such stops are related with the formulation of the objectives, completion of different activities to achieve the objectives, delegation of power and authority to executed the works and making proper co-ordination among the activities conducted by different departments or employees.
Followings are the major steps of organizing:-
Step 1èDetermine objectives
Step 2 èIdentifying Activities
Step 3è Group the activities
Step 4è Collect & Allocate the resources
Step 5 èAssign Duties and Responsibilities
Step 6 è Delegate the Authority
Step 7 è Co-ordinate and follow up
1. Determine Objectives
            It is the first stops of organizing. It is the process determines goals and objectives of the organization without confirmed objectives. No organizational activities can be conducted.
2. Identifying the activities
            In second steps the organizer should identify or least out all the necessary activities that are to be completed to achieve the goals. While listing the activities we should know all the major and minor activities properly.
3. Group and activities
            The nature of Identified activities should be analyzed thoroughly. Similarly nature of activities or works should be groups together and separate group name should be given.
4. Collect & Allocated the Resources
            In this steps different types of resources required for the execution of different activities are identified collected and allocated human resources. Financial resources, Physical resources, Information etc are the major resources required for an organization.
5. Assign duties & Responsibilities
            After pleasing the manpower or human resources at different position, the management or organizer should assign duties and responsibilities to the individual or grouped members. Such employees should fulfilled or implement such Assign duties properly.
6. Delegate the authority
            Necessary authority should be delegate or given to the concern managers or officers or sub-ordinates to complete their assign duties and responsibilities without delegation of power, such manager cannot use resources as result they cannot conduct their responsibilities and the organization can no achieve the goals or objectives.
7. Co-ordinate and follow up
            The last steps or organizing is related with the proper co-ordination of the activities discharged by different departments at the same time necessary follow up and feedback should also  be obtain from the appropriate members and units. After getting such feedback the management should be able to re-organized manage the overall activities more properly or effectively.

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