Nov 27, 2011

concepts of Organization

Organizing is another important, pervasive and vast functions of management which is used widely to mean a structure of relationship, a process a group of people etc. It is concern with the identification of the role of individuals, their authority responsibility relationship and co-ordination of all the efforts for the achievement of organizational goals.
Concepts of organizing/organization
We can define the concept or organizing with the help of following points:
a)    Organizing/Organization as structure.
b)    Organizing/Organization as process.
a) Organizing/Organization as structure
            According to this concept organization is the creation and maintenance of an intentional structure of Roles.
            It is a static concept where the relationships among the position are fined. The organizational structure can be recognized in different department and units.
            According to Carnell “organization means the structure of forms of an enterprises and arrangement of all parts there of in manner suitable to use or services.”
Compounds of an organization under structural concepts:
a)    Description of job and division of job.
b)    Span of  control (controlling area/peoples of manager)
c)    Departmentation
d)    Delegation of authority
B) Organization as a process
            Organization or functions of organizing can also be define as a process. According to this concept the meaning or organizing is a process which includes the determination, arrangement of the groups, assignment of the activities to the group members for the achievement of common goals.
According to Allen, “Organization is the process of identifying and grouping the works to be performer define and delegating responsibility and authority and establishing relationship for the purpose of enabling people to work most effectively in accomplishing objectives.”
Following components or steps are included in organization according to the process
a)    Defining or determining the goals, clarify the specialist task and exception of each person.
b)    Establishing authority and responsibility relationship.
c)    Creating channel or communication to support decision making and control.
d)    Establishing logical flow or work.
e)    Division of work and other resources.
f)     Co-coordinating and memorizing the diversified activities.
g)    Achievement of common goals of objectives of the enterprise.

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