Nov 27, 2011

Concept of office

Function of an office
An office has performed a variety of function. The main function of an office is to handle the information and supply them to required persons and organizations. They can be preciously categorized into two categories such as basic function and management function
a)    Basic function
The basic function of an office is known as routing function or day-to-day function. They are related to receiving, recording, arranging, analyzing and supplying the information. Some of them are as follows:
a.    Receiving and collecting the information
b.    Recording the information
c.    Professing the information
d.    Arranging the information
e.    Supplying the information
f.     Retention of the information
b)    Management function
The management function are also known as administrative function. They are auxiliary function I the basic function of a office. For smooth operating of an office, administrative function must be performing integrally to the basic function. Some important administrative functions are follows
a.    Managerial function
b.    Safeguarding function
c.    Human relating /resources function
d.    Public relation function
e.    System and procedure function
f.     Purchase function

Important of office
i)              Informational center
ii)             Communication center
iii)            Memory center
iv)           Coordinating center
v)            Center for formulation plans and policies
vi)           Front of existence
vii)          An office encourages
viii)         Rendering services

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