Nov 27, 2011


The major Characters of planning are as
1.    Primary and basic functions of management
Planning is regarded a the primary/first function of management it is the decision making about the future activities from the help of planning. the manager confirmed remaining function of management.
2.    Pervasive (important) functions of management
Planning is one of the pervasive function of management, without planning and organization cannot exixute its activities planning is made by top, middle and lower level of management. It is required for every departments of the organization therefore it is regarded as pervasive function
3.    Future oriented
Planning always prepare for future. It is deciding as present about the future courses of action
4.    Goals oriented
Planning is concerned with setting of goals and objectives and it identifying the courses of action require resources to achive such predetermined goals
5.    Continuous process
Planning is a concerned process of all types of organization. Prepaid their plans o a regular basis. Planning can be modified improve but it continues forever
6.    Thinking or mental process
Planning is also regarded as a mental or intellectual or thinking process. It required creative ideas, knowledge, images antion and forecasting capacity of the planning. It is the activities of mind.
7.    Interdependent
Planning depends upon the other activities of the management. All the department and management should be interdependent or linked with each other planning place coordination role among such functions and department.
8.    Flexibility
Planning or plans should not be right, the planning should be situational. We can change, modify and replace exiting plans as the per demands of situation or environment
9.    Limiting factor
Planning is formulated by top level management and implemented by lower level management . it limits the ideas etc, of lower level management because they should implements the formulated plans per the instructions.
10.  SMART
A planning should be SMART. Here SMART refers:-
Sè specific
Mè measurable
Aè authentic/Accountable/Attainable
Rè Realistic
Tè Time bounded

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